After deciding who you’re going to go with for a web designer, freelancer or web design company, the building commences. As they are going along there are a few things that you should know. With either web designer you are going to have to give them content that you want on your website. When I talk about content what I mean is all the text and images that are going to be put into your website. With lawyer web design there really aren’t going to be that many images for you to send you web designer. I would suggest having a good picture of you or if the website is for your law firm then a picture of each person on the team. This will help people be able to feel more comfortable getting in touch with you if they actually have seen a picture of you. So make sure that it is a professionally taken picture that makes you look professional and welcoming.
As far as the text on your website goes there are a few options that you have. You can write everything yourself; which really isn’t that much of a chore for a lawyer website. The text should just let people know all the information they want on each page of your website. If you choose to write this text it will be more personal. Think about it this way, who knows more about their own business than you do? Nobody. So writing the text yourself will make sure that the text is accurate in every way. The other option that you have is to use a content writer or having someone else write your text for you.
Having a content writer write your text for you would be good if you aren’t good at writing, grammar, or just don’t feel comfortable in your own abilities in writing. For lawyers, this usually doesn’t come into play because they are well educated and know their stuff. The other reason for having a content writer would be if you are too busy to do it yourself. Make sure that if you have a content writer that you give them all the information they are going to need to write good text for your site. Any way you think about it the content of the website is going to up to you in the end. For more information on lawyer web design check us out at DreamCo Design – Lawyer Web Design. For more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo Design – Web Design.