Music Web Design: Your Look


The design elements of your music website are probably going to be the most important aspect of your music web site next to your music. If one thing is certain it is that every great band not only has great music but a great image as well. You can see it in the outfits they were and the style of the CD covers all the way down to the design of their music website. It is really important to take your sound and bring it to fit in with music web design.

It takes more then makeup to bring in the fans to your music website. Sure the makeup on the boys from AFI and Good Charlotte looks great, kind of like a back alley hooker, but all the Cover Girl in the world is not going to make those guys talented. But it does get those little tiny boppers to like them. I just don’t know when guys wearing make up started to be cool. The only time a guy should be allowed to wear makeup is for Halloween or if they are a zombie in a George Romero flick. Other then that it should never happen. Every genre of music has an image that goes with it, so it is important that you get that too. Your music website has to make people feel the same way your music makes them feel.

The best way to go about portraying that desired image with music web design is to do a little bit of research. Choose the types of art styles you like. You can even take a peek at other websites that have a cool design that you like. Keep in mind we are not in the business of stealing the art from other websites. In fact we only design what you tell us. We are just asking that you get an idea of the design you are looking for. This helps you out and it really helps out our graphics designer. You may even deicide to use art you made yourself or your friends used. We can take anything you want and put it on the web. That all comes later on during the content collection process. All you have to do is let us know.

Be as specific as you can when explaining things to our graphic designers. It is not that they are dumb or slow; in fact they are probably the smartest and most talented in the field. They just can’t read your mind; at least I don’t think they can. But honestly you have to be specific about what you want your music website to look like. Try to refrain from using buzz words or phrases like “give it more life”, “make it stand out more”, and “jazz it up a little”. Those are all really cool sounding phrases, but they can be taken too many ways. Saying “give it some life” to one person might mean something totally different then what you have in mind. The main problem is that different folks interpret things differently. That is why it is so important to be specific.

DreamCo Design offer you the most talented web designers and graphic designers around, all of them willing to jump on board and help you with music web design. Give DreamCo Design a call today fro all your music web design needs. For more information on music web design check us out at DreamCo Design – Music Web Design. Or for more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo Design – Web Design.

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