Video Game Web Design: Wii Would Like To Play


I recently purchased a Nintendo Wii a few months back. It was fun for the first few weeks but I quickly got tired of it and went back to my X Box 360. And there on my entertainment center shelf the Wii sat for a few months. Recently my brother had decided he wanted to purchase Metriod Prime 3. I saw him playing it and I thought it looked fun but I was far to busy to dive head on into a game. Well about two weeks ago I found myself some free time and decided to play the Wii and check out this Metriod game.

I have always been a fan of the Metriod games, but I was a little disappointed in the Prime games that came out for the Game Cube. The controls on those games just frustrated me, but I still liked them. When I started to play Metriod Prime 3 for the Wii I was blown away. The controls were fantastic and the game play addictive. The environments were gorgeous and the enemy design was excellent. I soon developed a new love for the Wii.

Well the other day Mario Galaxy was released. My brothers and I have been looking forward to this game ever since we saw the E3 trailers come out. I would always check the video game websites for the latest news on my favorite little Italian plumber. I got home from class and I picked up the controller and started to play. Again I was blown away. Everything about this game is superb. I never thought a Mario game could be any better then Mario Sunshine for the Cube. Trust me when I say that Galaxy is on a whole other level. The game play is flawless, the environments are the best looking I have ever seen, and the innovation that Nintendo has achieved with this game was very apparent.

I always thought that Nintendo was forever going to be the little guy in the group. Playstation and X Box pretty much has the strangle hold on the industry and Nintendo kind of sits by the way side. Well I am a changed man. Nintendo is not the little guy they are the ones pushing the envelope. While X Box and Playstation keep pumping out games whose graphics are on steroids and games that all have similar game play, Nintendo is reinventing the way we play. I was a little skeptical about the Wii and its ability to keep me entertained with its cartoony games, but I will never doubt them again.

Playstation and X Box have a long way to go and keeping up with Nintendo is not going to be easy. Sure they both have better graphics then the Wii, but what good are graphics if you are not pushing the limits of the game play. I am sick of shooting Nazis and aliens with an assault rifle, okay maybe not. But I want to be able to throw a fire ball at a mushroom looking guy, put on a bee suit and fly around. I want to ride a horse while shooting an arrow into the head of a monster. I want to turn into a ball and be able to fire a grappling beam to swing over a canyon. I want my character to move her arm the same way I move mine, and fire her plasma canon when I hit the button. I want to slash monsters with my sword and actually make the slashing motion.

The Nintendo Wii is the future of video games. Just check out any video game website and you will see what people are saying. Or pick up a Wii yourself and make your own video game website. If you do decide to check out video game web design make sure you go with the best. That of course is DreamCo Design. We have all the tools you need for video game web design and it is all a simple phone call away. Think of DreamCo Design like Nintendo, we may not be the biggest but we are the only ones out there pushing the bar. So call DreamCo Design today for all your video game web design needs. For more information on video game web design check us out at DreamCo DesignVideo Game Web Design. For more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo DesignWeb Design.

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