Adult Web Design: Finger Pointing


Adult web design is a business that most find inappropriate. I can see how the actual adult website can be seen as being inappropriate, but the actual process of adult web design is perfectly wholesome. There is absolutely no inappropriate behavior or happenings that go along with the adult web design process. In fact the process of adult web design is the exact same process of any other types of web design.

The only thing that is different about the adult web design process that is different then the other types of web design is the nature of the content. This is where people tend to freak out a little. It is really no wonder why folks tend to get a little upset by then nature of the adult web design business. The U.S. has a very large Christian population and according to said religion forms of media, such as adult web design, are inappropriate and unchristian. The only issue with this is the people that get upset at those that build the adult website. It makes no sense to me why folks would be pointing the figure at the web design company, but they do.

The web design companies are simply providing a service to those who would need web design. If that client decides that they would like to create an adult website, who are we to say no to them? We get a lot of emails and complaints about adult web design every week, but let me assure all you folks that adult web design makes up a very small percentage of what we do. The truth of the matter is that the adult business is a highly lucrative industry. We would really be limiting or selves by not offering adult web design. The adult industry is a $12 billion dollar a year business, it is not just two guys in their mom’s basement buying all that stuff. I am sure there are a lot of folks out there that say adult themes are smut and then they secretly have an entire archive of adult material. Stop being so preachy about adult web design and stop blaming the web designers or web design company for providing adult web design.

Think about it like this. The U.S. is the fattest nation on Earth, right? It is pretty widely known that the vast amounts of fast food that are sold in the U.S. is one of the leading reasons to why we are the fattest nation. Isn’t being fat considered gluttony? Is gluttony not one of the seven deadly sins or otherwise know as the cardinal sins? So that would mean that being grossly overweight is unchristian, right? So why are people that complain to web design companies that offer adult web design not going to those fast food joints and yelling at the 16 year old serving up burgers? The reason is that it makes no sense to yell at that kid. He is just doing his job severing up those greasy burgers. Web design companies are just offering a service to those that need it for their desired business. The moral of the story is that you do not blame those that serve, blame those that order.

DreamCo Design understands that adult web design is a very controversial area of web design. We handle all of our clients in the most professional manner no matter what aspect of web design they choose to move forward with. DreamCo Design offers the best in adult web design for the best price. So give us a call today for all your adult web design needs. For more information on adult web design check us out at DreamCo DesignAdult Web Design. Or for more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo DesignWeb Design.

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