With all the different law firms scratching for the same clients it would be hard to distinguish the best one from the bunch. Most people who would search for lawyers or law firms online would of course use the search engines. Most of these people would only look through to the second page of results. So you have to be sure you can be as close to the top of that search engine list as possible.
There is a term being kicked around the web today called search engine optimization, or SEO for short. This is basically the process of getting your website to be as close to the top of that search results page as possible. There are a few different ways a website can do this.
For lawyer web design you have to consider the types of words people are going to be searching for. Words like legal representation, Chicago lawyers, Chicago Law Firms, lawyer websites, the list goes on. Basically you would want your firms name to pop up at the top of the search results page. This can be done by using those key words through out your lawyer website. The more you mention a word on your website the more relevant the search engine thinks you are to the customers search. This can also be done by including a blog on your website that you can beef up with all sorts of keys words. One thing you have to watch out for is over using the words. The search engine companies know bout the little tricks people use to make sure their website is at the top of the list. So let’s say they catch you dedicating an entire page to using the words Chicago Lawyer over and over; they will black list your website and you will not get any more traffic from that search engine, which is really bad.
The other way that you can get your lawyer website to the top of the list of the search results page is to pay for it. Ever notice when ever you do a search, at the top and/or the side of the webpage there are highlighted sites that have a little description on them. They are called pay per click ads. Those websites paid to be at the top of that list. So let’s say you are a Chicago Law Firm and you take out a pay per click on Google to show up whenever anyone types in Chicago Lawyers or Chicago Law Firm. Your firm would show up at the top of that list depending on how much you paid. Now of course different key words cost more. Like Lawyers would cost more then Elgin Illinois Lawyers because the results are narrowed down by the key words. It costs a little money to take out a pay per click ad, but think about the return on that type of investment.
All the things mentioned above fall into the category know as SEO. SEO is quite a big business these days. There are companies that just do SEO for websites, and they charge a lot to do it too. DreamCo Design does free SEO on all the websites we build. We also submit your website to all the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, MSN and others. We can even set you up with pay per click ads on anyone of those search engines we submitted your lawyer website to.
So what are you waiting for? If you have a Lawyer or Law Firm website you are looking to have designed you found the right place. No one has the success rating and customer service skills we do. Give DreamCo Design a call to see what we can do for all your lawyer web design needs. If you are looking for a little more information check out DreamCo Design – Lawyer Web Design.