Alright blog readers, get yourself situated, because there’s a new author for Dreamco Design’s blog. I know you’ve all been reading Zack’s writing and I will do my best to be just an entertaining and informative. My name is Tanya and I’ll be writing to you personally each day from my desk. I hope you enjoy because I have a lot to talk about. I’m new to the world of web design and hopefully that will be a comfort to all those out there who are also beginners. You’ll be able to look to my posts and learn with me each day. But enough of that, I’ll tell you a little about myself.
I love to travel. I’ve been to both coasts of the US this year, driving the whole way. I know you probably think it’s crazy to drive all that way but it was worth it. I had a great time and it’s been one of the most inspirational experiences of my life. I’ve lived in Illinois my whole life and am just waiting to get out. Not that I don’t like the area. It’s the weather that’s the problem. Thinking about how I could be outside in a T-shirt instead of in my winter coat is always appealing. I also love to read and write. It’s definitely been a favorite pastime of mine. I’m sure it will show itself in my posts.
I’m glad to be a part of this team and I’m sure you’ll be reading my writing for many months to come. Interested in learning about the company? Visit us at DreamCo Design – Web Design.