I wanted to write a couple quick tips for all those online gaming websites. When thinking about gaming web design you should think one thing. How can I get my visitors/customers to keep coming back to my gaming site? It’s simple and easy but many online gaming websites mess it all up.
The first thing to remember when doing gaming web design is that your gaming website should grab attention, yet stay classy. You don’t want to be too gaudy because that will make you look more amateur than you’d want. This is the one of the biggest problems with doing gaming web design. The gaming websites are made to look way to flashy and tend to come out very unprofessional looking. Try to minimize this wherever possible. One other big problem with gaming web design is all the pop-ups you get when you go onto these sites. Although a lot of people have pop-up blockers enabled, try to think about all the people who don’t and how annoying it must be to visit your website. The solution to this is to be registered with a paid hosting service. When you use free hosting services they usually put tons of adds connected with your website. Causing many angry, and now blind, patrons.
My next tip is to make sure that your gaming sight is not filled with a lot of flash and graphics. Although it is also really important you can also overstep the boundary. If you are adding too much flash and graphics on your website it will end up taking forever to load up. A customer is going to go to six different websites before yours ever loads up.
Lastly make sure that you have some content about your different games. On of the best thing to do is to have a system where visitors can comment on how different games are and which ones are fun to play. It will give new visitors the impression that a lot of people play your games and that you have a good sight where they can find whatever games they want. For more information on video game web design check us out at DreamCo Design – Video Game Web Design. For more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo Design – Web Design.