When your get your ideas ready for your landscaping website you still have the difficult choice of choosing a web developer. The biggest choice is going to be whether you are going to use a freelance web developer or a web design company. There are pros and cons to each side, but you can bet that going with a company might be the right choice.
Is cost a huge issue to you? Let’s face it cost is a huge issue for all of us, no matter how much dough you have your hands on. Web design can be a pretty costly endeavor, so be prepared to spend a little bit of your kid’s college fund. But really it is not that bad if you do your research and more then likely your landscaping website is going to bring in more cash for you then you spent on it, so don’t fret. Choosing a freelance web designer will most likely not cost you as much as a web design company. Just do to the fact that that person is self employed and does not have any real costs to cover. Where a web design firm is going to have to pay it’s employees and cover other costs as well.
So a freelance web designer on average might cost a little less then a web design firm but what are you getting out of the deal? You need to be wary of some people. You are going to be trusting this person with all your companies’ information, money, and more importantly your company’s image. Make sure that the freelance designer is going to allow you to revise your landscaping website if it is not to your specifications. Also keep in mind that the freelance web designer is not really have any loyalty to you. After they are done with your project they may decide to never pick up their phone for you. But with a company you have more loyalty, and they usually have to answer their phones. Just based on the fact that a company has more to lose then the single freelance web designer.
Companies are there for a reason and that is to make money. So they will usually do whatever they can to make you happy. They know, just the same as you, that happy customers spend money. Then they tell their friends how happy they were and then their friends spend money too. It is a great cycle. But a freelancer does not have to be that way. They really don not have as much to lose.
It may sound like freelancer web designers are bad people. That is just not true. Most freelancer web designers are great honest people that do the most amazing work. It is just those few that ruin it for the bunch. So all in all freelance web designers are usually great, they work for a little bit less and still put out great work. But one major problem is that not all freelancers can do everything you need them to. Some may only be great at a few things. You may find yourself going to two freelance web designers for your landscaping website. But at a web design company they more then likely have everyone in one spot. If there is something on your landscaping website that one developer can not do, then their usually is another in house that can handle it. So you are still only dealing with one place instead of going to two totally different people.
Both freelance web designers and web design companies have their pros and cons. It is probably best to go with a web design company just based on the fact that they can be a one stop shop. That is exactly what DreamCo Design is, a one stop shop for all your landscaping web design and other media needs. If it can be put on the web, we can do it. If you need flyers and business cards, we can do it. If you need a logo designed, we can do it. To take full advantage of DreamCo Design give us a call today. For more information on landscaping web design check us out at DreamCo Design – Landscaping Web Design. Or for more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo Design – Web Design.