Pet Services Web Design: Pet Sitting


Hiring someone to babysit and/or walk your pet has become the new level of pet care. People wanting someone to watch over their “little precious’” is becoming quite the lucrative business, and a lot of people are jumping on it. Even though you may start of small (walking a few dogs around the neighborhood) you could eventually become a small business within yourself. Although references speak tremendously about you, potential customers are going to want to see some sort of brochure, or website about what you do. To tell people what they should expect from your service.
When doing web design for pet sitting services there is a lot to make sure you cover. If your business is large enough to have a website dedicated to it then you most likely have a lot of information to cover. I can only speculate at how your business is run and try to give some advice and reminders of what to put in your pet services website, which is what I’m going to do. So keep in mind that this is just a general post on what should be included in your pet sitting/walking website. Hopefully it will provide you with a good template to go off of and add whatever you need to complete and perfect your own site.
As everyone knows, the home page is the impact page. You should have some text here stating who you are and what it is you do. If I were a customer I would like to see that your homepage is well put together with a lot of cute graphics and flash, especially because most customers calling will most likely be women. Of course, that’s only my opinion and not based on any fact. You should have pages on your website concerning your services and rates. Customers want to know exactly what comes with a pet sitting occurrence and what they should hold you to. It’s like a mini-contract that they can go back to anytime and say, “I’m not satisfied because your website says you do “this” and you didn’t”. So make sure not to fluff it up with activities that you really won’t be doing. Your rates should tell customers exactly what they are going to be paying. This includes all those extra fees that you may or may not have.
In your pet sitting web design you should also think about a page for what locations you do and where you yourself are located. This way customers know how long you are going to have to travel. Also on this page or possibly a separate one, you should have your contact information. As you can see there really shouldn’t be much to a basic pet sitting business page. Although as your business grows you may choose to add pages with additional information that you think is imperative to the customer. Want to learn about other types of web design? Visit us at DreamCo Design – Web Design.