Charity Web Design: What They Should Know


With all the troubles that come along with making a charity website it seems like no one would even consider bothering with it. Although there are many benefits, like bringing your charity to the next level by enticing people to donate, still people don’t want to even try. I talked before about how there really aren’t a lot of people out there that will do a website for free, and if they do, it won’t be very good quality. It would make your charity look as though they are unprofessional or possibly a scam to some people. More and more people are getting suspicious of charities these days because there are so many scams out there. Having a professionally built website and some information that you could give out would be your best way to battle naysayers and skeptics.

There should be a wealth of information on your website pertaining to your charity. Anything you can possible think of that people are going to want to know should be somewhere on your charity website. If these things weren’t obvious enough I will tell you some of the things that I would want to know if I were thinking about donating to a charity. The first thing I would want to know is how long this charity has been around and where did it start. I’d want to know what the charity was for. Meaning I’d want to know the cause the charity is working for. These two areas are the most important to expand on. Knowing the history of the charity is important to me because if there is none I would be skeptical to donate anything. Also, the cause is obviously important to write a lot about because if it is something I am interested in I would like to be able to read a lot of information about it. Another area that would be of interest to me would be an area dedicated to show what you have done in this field towards your cause. If you’ve done a lot to help your cause then I most likely would be impressed and it would also show me that your charity actually would be using my money towards a good reason.

These three areas are probably the most important and would be the deciding factor to someone. So make sure that you don’t leave any information out. The more truthful and open you seem the more comfortable people are going to be with donating money to your cause. For more information on charity web design check us out at DreamCo DesignCharity Web Design. For more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo DesignWeb Design.