So far we’ve talked about how having an ecommerce website can be a big benefit to you. By having an ecommerce website you are choosing to expand your business and make it accessible to the world. This is a big decision and a lot of responsibility to take on. Although there is a lot to think about before having an ecommerce website built there is also a lot that goes into the layout and design of the site. You need to think about a few things before making your site live on the internet.
Something that is important to make sure is that your site needs to be well put together and organized. This rings true especially on the main page. There are a lot of people that are going to visit your site and decide if they think the store is reputable enough to shop in the second they see it. Your ecommerce website shouldn’t have pictures scrambled everywhere on the pages. Make it easy for the visitor to navigate through and follow some type of flow of the page. This will always have a calming effect on the person viewing your website.
I’ve seen a lot of ecommerce sites that are really off the wall with the pictures, banners, headers and everything going onĀ in the main page. Most of these sites have been clothing stores but there are a few exceptions. I really think that these sites could be designed more aesthetically pleasing to the eye instead of being so flashy and overpowering. Although, if it is a well known and highly shopped brand I suppose it doesn’t matter what the site looks like at all. This is not something that everyone can get away with though so avoid it if possible.
You, as the owner of the business, have the power to design your ecommerce website any way you want to. This is the beauty of web design; being able to do whatever you want because you can. Just know that if you’re serious about having an ecommerce store on the internet that there are some things that work and others that don’t. For more information on ecommerce web design check us out at DreamCo Design – Ecommerce Web Design. For more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo Design – Web Design.