With all the time and effort that has been put into your wedding/ event web design project, it feels good to know when it is finally done. Completed for you to have and to hold, to cherish, until death do you part; well, maybe not that long. You may think all the work is over but handling and maintaining a website is a job in itself. Try as you might to not have to do any work on your wedding/ event website you’ll soon find that your website is falling apart, unmaintained and looking like hell. Taking care of your website is going to be something that you have to set aside time for; or you could hire someone (if you so choose) to take care of all that for you.
Either way you go about it, it has to be done. So you’d better get use to the idea now. In fact, you should have known about this whole “upkeep” thing before you even decided that having a wedding/ event website built was a great idea. So you’re probably asking yourself, “What am I going to have to maintain? There’s nothing on my site that needs maintenance.” Well, you may think so now but there could be situations with your site in the future that need to be addressed. Things like, changing of locations, or any text that you need to be changed. What about if your images are out of date and you want to add new ones? All these things have to be taken into consideration.
There are a few ways to go about maintenance of your wedding/ event website. You can do it yourself by either; a.) manually doing it yourself (not recommended if you don’t know what you’re doing) or b.) making sure that there is an admin panel built into your website to make it easy for you to edit and remove pictures and text. Sometimes, learning how to take care of your website or having someone else do it for you is most likely going to be the best way to go about being able to maintain your wedding/ event website. For more information on wedding/ event web design check us out at DreamCo Design – Wedding/ Event Web Design. For more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo Design – Web Design.