Contractor Web Design: Content – Your Second Job


There are a lot of things that go into a website before it even starts to be built. The steps up to creating the website are few but very detail oriented. The first thing is to decide that you went a website. Making that first decision is the first little baby step. The next thing to worry about is picking who you want to build and design your contractor website. There is a lot involved with this because there is a lot to think about when choosing a web design company. After you have chosen someone to do your website the next steps is the actual building of it. This takes a lot of cooperation between you and your website designer.

All of the content on a website should be provided by you. Content is all the text and pictures that are going to be put up on your website. Hopefully you have a lot of pictures taken from previous jobs and projects. It would benefit you to make these pictures as professional as possible. There are a lot of websites out there that have tons of pictures up, but they look like they were taken with a disposable camera. Try to use pictures that showcase the finished project. It helps show customers your level of professionalism. You should have pictures from each type of area you work in. Some contractors have specific jobs they do, like landscaping jobs. Some do everything and if you do, you should have pictures from a variety of different projects to show potential customers what your business is capable of.

There is a lot of thought that goes into the text of your website as well. It would be best if you wrote your own content because the person who knows the most about your business is, of course, you! If you choose to write your own content make sure that you write in a professional manner and with good grammar and such.

Try to write so that your customers feel welcome and like they are really reading something that was written by a human. If you opt to have someone else write your content (usually the web design company will have a content writer on staff) you should still put together something that really explains everything you want to be included on the website. That way the content writer can put together all your information in a professional and correct way. With both these areas under your control you’ll definitely have a lot of work to do in your free time.

For more information on contractor web design check us out at DreamCo DesignContractor Web Design. For more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo DesignWeb Design.