So you’ve decided to make a contractor website dedicated to your business. You’ve gone past the first step. You hire a web design company to build your glorious site for you; making sure to give them all the content they need to make you look like an extremely experience professional contractor. Congratulations! You are now live on the internet, you contractor website looks great and you’ve had… zero traffic? That can’t be right. Well, yes it is.
Having the best looking website is no good unless you have SEO power to back it up. So you think, I just spent all this money making sure my website looked kick ass and now I have to pay for SEO!? In most cases yes. There are companies that spend millions of dollars on SEO just to make sure that they are the ones on top when their terms are searched for on the major search engines. You can never be guaranteed to be number one. It’s a very hard thing to do to even be on page one for your terms at all. It’s possible, but hard.
When search engines scan your website to see how relevant it is to the terms people are looking for there are a few things that come into play. Your tags are one; this means title tags, meta tags, and all that jazz. The second thing is content. Remember all that content you wrote up? Well it helps, especially if you wrote about contracting services (and why wouldn’t you? It’s the whole point of your site). SEO is definitely something worth investing in. Otherwise there really is no hope for people on the internet being able to find you on a search engine. Having a website is always a positive, but being found for your terms is even better. For more information on contractor web design check us out at DreamCo Design – Contractor Web Design. For more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo Design – Web Design.