After viewing so many other categories for pet services web design I was surprised to see that when I looked at pet grooming websites that they were the best put together ones I’ve seen. At least, in the ones I looked at, which were at the top of the list, the “most important†so that’s all that counts. I was also surprised to see how many mobile pet grooming companies are out there. Almost all my results were some sort of mobile grooming. I didn’t even know that existed. So instead of talking about both I’ll be talking about grooming companies’ web design, the immobile type.
As far as grooming websites go there really isn’t all that much information that you need to let the customer know. It’s a simple website with a few pages that need only a bit of information. I’ll do a brief overview of each of the pages so you know what the necessities are for your site. First off your home page should be something positive about your grooming business. How well you treat each pet, how great they look, and things like that. Telling the customer that you know what your doing but in a personable fashion. It should be somewhat short and to the point.
The next pages that are important to include in your web design are services and pricing. Your services page should tell the customer what will be happening with their pet when they bring him/her in. Will they be bathed? Will their nails be cut? Can you clean out their ears or is it extra? These are the things customers will be searching for before they come in. They want to be prepared to know if they have to ask for extra things to be done or if they don’t want something for their pet. Outline everything on this page. Now pricing for grooming is hard to pin down to an exact number. It depends on a lot of things before and during the grooming; breed, size, temperament. You should still let the customer know this. Regular people think that you pay by the hour no matter what type of pet you have. That everyone probably gets charged the same. Be sure to tell them all the important facts about pricing in the grooming industry. I would suggest putting your phone number at the bottom of this page so that customers adamant about finding out what it is going to cost can call you and talk to you on the phone. This is a great idea because once you have them on the phone you can most likely talk them into bringing their dog to you for grooming; and once a customer always a customer.
This next section is optional but a very good idea to think about. A section for photography of groomed pets is ideal. This will help show customers you’re grooming skills and how well their pet is going to look if they decide to bring him/her in. Visual examples are the best kind and customers will appreciate this aspect of your website if you so choose to include it. Lastly, the most important page is your contact and location page. This is obviously what most customers are going to end up. Make sure all your information is on there and easily found. A few pages can make the difference in a business. Make sure you do it right and don’t forget anything important that you know needs to be in there. Want to learn about other types of web design? Visit us at DreamCo Design – Web Design.