Restaurant Web Design: Images are Everything


Restaurant web design is one of the most competitive types of web design out there. With so many different types of food and locations it’s a wonder how the consumer figures out what they want for dinner on a particular night. This is why you, as a restaurant web designer, needs to make sure that your website is grabbing their stomachs and saying “eat here!” There are a few ways to go about this; making sure your website is clean and functional (as I’ve said before) and being very informative. Soemthing I feel is most important about restaurant web design is the images.

Did you know that most humans who look at images of food become hungry in a short amount of time? Think about this for your restaurant website. There are people scouring the internet for a place to eat. I mean, they are already hungry, but are they going to pick your restaurant with all the juicy imagery or someone’s with a lot of text? Yours for sure! Now I know this is probably common sense and most of you are wondering when I’m going to get to some useful information. I’m trying to help you get the most out of your restaurant web design project. I want you all to consider now the quality of your food images. They should be very clear and well taken pictures. This means alot of prep work.

The pictures that you have should be food that looks pleasing to the eye. It should be arranged as such. Did you know that there is a job market out there just for arranging and photgraphing food? People do this for a living! So I would suggest hiring a proffesional. I’m sure photgraphers specializing in arranging and photographing food are pretty expensive. You could always go with an ordinary photgrapher and save some cash. Especially if you are a new restaurant. Lucky for you, DreamCo Design has an on-staff photographer and if your looking to create a restaurant website you could get us to build it and take your pictures for you. An easy way to do it all in one job. Looking for more information on restaurant web design? Go to DreamCo Design – Restaurant Web Design. Want to learn about other types of web design? Visit us at DreamCo Design – Web Design.

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