Social Networking Web Design: Rags to Riches


Social networking web design offers you some of the greatest opportunities to make some good money off the web. Most of you are thinking that I am referring to dating websites. Well yes, dating websites can make you some great cash off those poor souls that can not find a significant other. But Mostly the main area of income for social networking websites comes from the ads.

Companies pay millions of dollars each year to advertise their products on TV, on the radio, in magazines, billboards, even giant banners flying behind small planes. This kind of advertising brings in tons of money for the people displaying those ads. You and your social networking website stand to make a great deal of money just off the advertisements. Not only do companies spend millions on the ads themselves; they also spend millions on marketing research to find the best way to promote their products or services. Now this is where you and social networking web design come into play.

Your social networking website will be one of the best ways these companies can advertise. Not only does your social networking website offer a place for their ads, but the potential views of that ad are way more then any TV, radio, or magazine ad can offer. The companies will also be able to target people better who might consider their products or services. Let’s say that one of the criteria of your social networking website is to state whether or not the member is in college or thinking about college. You can have an ad from on online school come up on their home screen every time they log in. Or for people that are single display dating ads. For those that do not have a car think online car sites ads. For those that are really into movies maybe on online video store. The possibilities are really endless. The important thing is that these ads are directly reaching their target audience. This kind of advertising will really cause those companies to dig pretty deep into their pockets and give you a pretty hefty chunk of cash.

DreamCo Design not only offers great social networking web design, but we offer great marketing ideas to coincide with the social networking web design. There is really no better way to make good money on the web then through ads on your website. DreamCo Design knows social networking web design and we know all about web marketing as well. So why don’t you DreamCo Design a call for all your social networking web design needs? For more information on social networking web design check us out at DreamCo Design – Social Networking Web Design. Or for more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo Design – Web Design.

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