Social Networking Web Design: With The Quickness


For a while now there have been several posts on Craig’s List and other job boards for social networking sites. Everyday I come across at least 10 to 15 posts for the next MySpace or Face Book. I understand that those two sites are extremely popular but like all things that become popular they are just a fad. According to a report I read from last August there were about 650 social networking websites out there, and that at least 3 were being started every day. If these stats are true that means that today there are over 2057 social networking websites out there on the web.

Most people only know of a few, I personally was only aware of MySpace, Face book and Friendster. I knew there were others out there I just did not care. To all the folks asking to build the next MySpace or Face Book hoping to get rich, I am sorry to be the bringer of bad news but its all been done. Like I stated above according to estimates there are around 2000 social networking sites out there. What can you bring to the table that they have not? The social networking market has gone south and it is going out just a quick as it came in. According to an article in the Washington Post MySpace is slowly losing its popularity. Kids get bored of the same old thing. They want to be captivated consistently and that is a pretty hard thing to keep up with.

I am glad to see the whole social networking thing on the decline, it was an interesting fad but it is time for something new. If you feel that you have the single greatest idea fore a social networking site then come on down and explain your idea. It would be nice to get a fresh style and have some cool new features added to the social networking arena. But as it stands I have heard the same old thing from several hundred people. If you are really looking to make money on the web do not do it by stealing the ideas from other popular websites come up with new ideas, or at least greatly improve on another idea.

If you still have your heart set on a social networking website then DreamCo Design has the solution you have been looking for. We offer the best in social networking web design and we look forward to hear new innovative ideas. We hope that you have the next big idea for the social networking age, we would be more then happy to help you get it off the ground too. So if you have that killer idea that is going to be the next big thing give DreamCo Design a call today. For more information on social networking web design give us a call or you can check us out at DreamCo Design – Web Design.

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