I was just trying to look on the internet for some tips about video game web design. You probably find it hard to believe but there really was almost nothing out there that was helpful! Everything that I saw was for gaming website templates or actual video game design. I mean, I went through the first ten to fifteen pages and found maybe 4 things about gaming web design tips, and two of those web addresses were for DreamCo Design and this blog! Hilarious. It’s ok though because now I know that whenver someone looks up gaming web design tips or gaming web design, they’ll probably end up here looking at our website or my post, because there is nothing better out there on the internet. At least, not in the first few pages. I end up getting bored looking through more than a couple pages. And anyways, isn’t the most relevant stuff suppose to be at the beginning? So it really is worthless to go any farther than ten pages because if nothing your looking at now is helping, the
stuff in the back isn’t going to either. It’s not like it’s hiding or something.
Seeing as how there is so little out there on the internet directly about tips on video game web design or gaming web design, I now realize why so many gaming websites are either amatuer looking or not completed or not even started! Is it possible that no one really knows much about it? No, that can’t be. It must be information that people don’t want to share. They must be hiding it in a small chest in the middle of the Earth. The key is in the hands of some sort of super mutant. Another possible explination is this wealth of information hidden away in someone’s crawl space. One of those people who don’t ever throw anything away. Knowing this, it’s probably shoved all the way to the back with spiders nesting all over it.
We’ll I guess since it looks like I’m going to be your leading expert on video game web design. I’d better do a good job. For more information on video game web design check us out at DreamCo Design – Video Game Web Design. For more information on other types of web design take a look at DreamCo Design – Web Design.