What to do next?


Once you have decided you are going to need a photography website, you need to think about what type of things you going to want that particular website to do. The list of the different functions a website can do is relatively endless. So it is important to know your customers and figure out the kinds of things they are going to want to do on your website.

This has to be one of the hardest steps in the development of your photography website. You actually have to put your self in the shoes of your customer, for most this is not an easy task. We spend so much time separating ourselves form the customer. Making it clear to ourselves that the customer is an entity that we are usually face to face with. This is not the case when you are dealing with customers over the web. Every person that clicks on your photography website is going to be a potential customer. So you need to know ahead of time the things that they are going to be looking for. It is a little of a mind trip but getting into your customers head is probably the best business strategy around.

One of the things you are going to have to decide on is whether you are just using your website to give yourself online presence or if you are going to make this your online portfolio. Also you may want to consider the fact that customers may want to purchase some of the photographs they see. So you may want to think about making your photography website an online store as well. This would give your customers more options and allow them to spend more time on your website. This is great because it is a known fact that the longer the customer stays in or on the website the more likely they will be to purchase something from you or acquire your services.

Deciding to have a photography website usually means that you recognize that your work is worthy and possibly in demand. This is a bit of an ego check because most artists feel their work is never good enough. This modest attitude needs to be tossed out the window when it comes to your photography website. You want your best work displayed and available to your customers. If it helps have someone else choose which pieces to put up on the website. Whatever you choose to do, you know your work and or services are good enough to be out there for the world to use.n Deciding on getting a photography website is a pretty big decision to have to make. It is an even bigger deal to decide what you’re going to have your website do. Or what you want the users of the site to do after looking at your galleries. Take the time to get into the head of your customers, find out what they want and what they want from you.

It may be a hard road to walk but you don’t have to go it alone. DreamCo Design is here to help. We can’t make the decisions for you but we can definitely give you some advice on what we have seen work for others. Maybe you can use that, or maybe you can improve on that. The point is DreamCo Design is here to help. Give us a call today to see all of our photography web design solutions. Or for more information check out our photography web design pages at DreamCo Design – Photography Web Design.

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