The USPS offers an every door direct mail service in which they are able to place your advertisement into every mailboxes along a postal route. This low cost service makes it easy for you to target certain neighborhoods with your mail piece. We design, print, and help you coordinate everything. Call 1-866-572-3434 or email us today to learn more.
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Let's Go!Every door direct mail is rather simple. Unlike the cost of traditional bulk mailing, every door direct mail allows you to have pieces handed out for a fraction of the price, as the pieces are simply included as part of the visit to every door with the regular mail.
This makes every door direct mail a great marketing method for those looking to promote a special product or service within specific target neighborhoods.
DreamCo Design will help you with identifying your target audience and with our professional design and printing services. We will then send the pieces to you so that you can drop them off at your local post office for distribution. No bulk mail permits are necessary and the process is easy. You can learn more about EDDM at the USPS official website here: official EDDM website
Our pricing is based on the print design and printing itself.
We do not charge for postage nor do we charge you any of the fees you are responsible to pay directly to the post office for the service. We typically suggest that you have an 8.5" x 11" sell sheet (card stock) piece made as it is within the allowed limits for the EDDM campaign and will give you the maximum impact. Contact a consultant today to discuss your every door direct mail campaign.