Photography Web Design | Tips

When choosing a company to develop your photography website there are some important aspects you want to consider. DreamCo Design has put together a list of tips and general advice while you consider having your new website created.

1. Make Sure Your Have Your Website Made Professionally
There is nothing worse than a photography website made by an amateur trying to use a site-builder tool. We understand that photographers are sometimes on a budget! That's ok! You can still get a photography web design solution in place without breaking the bank. Not having a professional site will cost you more in the long run anyway. Think about it. How much will it cost you if you lose out on 1 or 2 wedding requests per month for a year if you were a wedding photographer, all because your website was either too poorly designe for the bride to be interested or wasn't even found in the first place. Make sense?

A website is an investment, and like any good investment it should pay off over time. For photographers, there is typically nothing more important than having a professional photography web design solution in place. Sure, Facebook can help but that is just a form of marketing. Your storefront will always be your website.

2. ReSize your Photos for the Web
You are likely pretty good in Photoshop or have some basic understanding of editing photos on your computer. Make sure you save images using SAVE FOR WEB options, reducing them in size and such. Typically, portfolio images should never be any bigger than 2,000 pixels wide by however tall. They should also be at 72DPI and in .jpg format. This practice will help keep images looking awesome all while making your website load quickly. Just pay attention to the file size of your images. The smaller the KB size, the better.

3. Don't Go Too Crazy with Your Design
A good photography web design solution usually means a nice looking website that is optimized well but one that stays fairly simple in the design. This allows the photos themselves to do the talking. Minimal branding and colors are typically best.

4. Display Your Pricing
We have noticed, via Google Analytics, that the pricing pages on photography websites get a ton of views. Explaining your packages and pricing on your website can help lead to better qualified leads, more traffic, fewer questions, and so on. It just tends to be a time tested smart practice.

Looking for additional tips from our photography web design company? Still have questions? Ready to get started? Contact DreamCo Design today. We will be more than happy to help you every step of the way!



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